Wednesday, June 24, 2015

MESSAGE Org. celebrate International Day of Yoga . Make a human chain and take a resolution to adopt yoga in daily life

मानव श्रृंख्ला बना योग को दैनिक जीवन में अपनाने का लिया संकल्प
The whole world came together today to celebrate the 1st International Yoga Day, a great living heritage of Indian civilisation.

Yoga is a vision for harmonious future
PM Modi

स्वस्थ शरीर मे स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क का निवास होता है। यदि मन से आदमी स्वस्थ है तो वह अपना काम पूर्ण निष्ठा के साथ समर्पित भाव से करता है स्वस्थ रहने और अपने परम्परागत तरीको से शरीर को स्वस्थ बनाने की प्रेरणा देने के लिये अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस के मौके पर सामाजिक सरोकारो से जुडी मैसेज संस्था और पंतजलि योग समिति के सयुक्त तत्वधान में वैषाली नगर स्थित नर्सरी पार्क में योग दिवस मनाया गया। जिसमें लोगों का हुजुम देखते ही बनाता था। नर्सरी पार्क में लगभग 500 से अधिक लोगों ने एक साथ योग करके मानव श्रृख्ला बना विश्व योग दिवस को सार्थक बनाया।
संस्था कन्वीनर पूर्णिमा कौल ने बताया कि आज हम सबके लिये ये गर्व कि बात है कि पूरे विश्व में एक साथ अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस मनाया जा रहा है। उसी तर्ज पर संस्था द्वारा यह प्रयास किया जा रहा है कि योग को षहरवासी अपने दैनिक जीवन में अपनाकर स्वय को निरोगी बनाये। विश्व  योग दिवस पर संस्था ने मानव श्रृख्ला बना, योग कर स्वस्थ रहने का संकल्प दिलवाया।
संस्था का उदेष्य शहर भर के लोगो को स्वस्थ और सुखी रहने के लिये योग प्रक्रिया को निरन्तर करने और संस्कृति के साथ जुडाव बनायें रखने के लिये प्रेरित करना है।  जिसमें संस्था के साथ भारतीय योग संस्थान, पंतजलि योग समिति जयपुर, राॅटरी क्लब जयपुर राॅयल और नर्सरी पार्क योग परिवार सम्मिलित है।
 सूर्योदय के साथ सभी ने किया सूर्यनमस्कार 
ना उम्र की सीमा थी ना कोई बधंन था षरीर को चुस्त दुरूस्त रखने की मानो एक होड सी लगी थी। चारो तरफ जहां भी देखों आज योग करते बुजुर्ग, महिलाएं, युवा व बच्चें योग करते दिखाई दिये। सूर्योदय के साथ योग दिवस मनाने पहुंचने सभी ने सूर्यनमस्कार से योग की षुरूआत की। पंतजलि योग समिति के रवि कामरा ने सभी को सूर्यनमस्कार, ताडासन, प्रणायम अनुलोम विलोम मडूकासन जैसे कई योगासन करवा योग से होने वाले फायदों के बारे में अवगत कराया।
इस अवसर पर पंतजलि योग समिति की प्रर्मिला जोषी, योगगुरू रवि कामरा, भारतीय योग संस्थान के केके जिंदल, राॅटरी राॅयल जयपुर के राकेष गुप्ता, कमल गुलाटी, ब्रहमकुमारी राजयोग के सदस्य और नर्सरी पार्क योग परिवार के सभी सदस्य समेत कई बु़ि़़द्धजीवियों ने भाग लिया।

Friday, June 5, 2015

A Day Show the gesture of love for our Mother Nature. World Environment Day

A Day Show the gesture of love for our Mother Nature.
MESSAGE Org. celebrate World Environment Day

MESSAGE Org. celebrated “World Environment Day” 5th of June 2015 at Kalaneri Art Gallery (Art Center) Jaipur. Rajasthan. The object of event was sensitize children with an aim to create awareness towards our “Mother Nature” . It’s Open Invitation for all – Show the gesture of love for your Mother Nature. On spot Graffity and painting event.Message -Nirmal NahataDay before the event Honorable Mayor Mr. Nirmal Nahta Jaipur Municipal Corporation launched a poster for world environment Day organized by MESSAGE Institution. In the frame work of “Say no to polythene, Save environment”
Lets join hand to save the nature.05-06-2015MESSAGE ORG. celebrated WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY  in a very different way.
The slip lane right in front of the kalaneri art gallery was blocked with two colourful hand painted cars  n  small children under 10 with big size brushes  in hands nstarted painting a 20′ by 10′ flax spread  on road .People passing through bussiest JLN marg could not resist themselves  by peeping in to slip lane  for seeing  so many MF HUSSAINS  painting  bold strokes  on a street.
Soon it became the talk of the town  people were amazed to see within no time  whole Universe  emerged  on flax  a tree in d centre giving message  of keeping earth cool n green.
At the back side master artists like Cartoonist Sudhir Verma Master painter Chinmay mehta Padam shree awarded Shakir ali, Jagmohan Mathodia ,ashok Gaurh, Pradeep sharma and others were filling colours on canvasses with the rythm of Live band  of guitars drums n other instruments.
Youngesters were busy making a wall graffiti. In all  a fussion of visual and performing art was creating an atmosphere  which enhansed when  lil kids came out dressed like trees flowers and birds  apealing people not to cut them and to conserve the mother earth.
Conviner Purnima koul and saumya sharma  asked children and others to do their bit to save water plants and greenery.Guest of honour IAS Neeraj k Pawan  and environmentalist SP Tomar planted a kadam tree gifted by RamaRao Sharma .
Programme was concluded by a lunch pack sponcered by khana gadi .com  followed by free Dental check up by Smile Jaipur.




Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Symposium Reflection 2015 – Campaign BE with us Reflection (Safe women symbol of safe society) organized

पुत्रवती भव:….. कोई पुत्रीवती भव: क्यों नही बोलता..

MESSAGE Institution  organized  a symposium ‘REFLECTION’ (Awaken Women)  show scheduled to be held on 3rd of March 2015 at 11.30 Tilak TT College for women ,Jaipur, on participation of young  women at large  with an aim to create awareness towards their legal rights .On the occasion of International women day .

वंश चलाने के लिए मातृशक्ति चाहिए : नीरज के पवन
जयपुर। यत्र नारीयस्तु पुज्यन्ते रमन्ते त देवता हमारे वेद पुराणों में कहा गया है कि जहॉ नारी की पुजा होती है। वही देवताओं का वास होता है। परन्तु क्या आज समाज में यही हो रहा है। क्या महिलाओं के लिए आज समाज सुरक्षित है… इसी विषय पर सामाजिक सरोकारों से जुडी मैसेज संस्था व एन आर एच एम के सयुक्त तत्वाधान में अन्तर्राष्टीय महिला दिवस के पूर्व उपलक्ष में संस्था द्वारा रिफलेक्शन का आयोजन त्रिवेणी नगर स्थित तिलक टीचर टेंनिग कॉलेज में किया गया। जहॉं सभी अतिथियों का स्वागत पांरपरिक तरीके से तिलक लगाकर किया गया।
मुख्य अतिथि के रुप में बोलते हुए एन.आर.एच.एम के निदेशक श्री नीरज के पवन ने बेटी बचाओं बेटी पढाओं के नारें से छात्राओं को सम्बोधित करतें हुए नारी की महत्ता के बारे बताया पवन ने कहा कि हम नवरात्रा मे नवदुर्गा की पुजा करते है, छोटी बच्चीयों को खाना खिलातें है, परन्तु उसी दुर्गा का अपमान कहीं न कहीं हमारा सभ्य समाज कन्या भ्रूण हत्या करके कर रहा है। पवन ने वहॉं उपस्थित भावी अध्यापिकाओं को धटतें लिंगानुपात के बारे में बताया कहा कि यदि इसी तरह लिंगानुपात धटाता रहा तों समाज में एक भयावह स्थति पैदा हो जायेगी। उन्होने कहा कि महिला होना गौरव की बात है। क्योंकि प्रकृति ने महिला को ही ये वरदान दिया है कि वह माँ बन सकती है।
नीरज के पवन ने कहा कि हमें समाज में फैले पांरम्परिक आर्शीवचनों को बदलने की जरुरत है। उन्होने वहॉं बैठी भावी अध्यापिकाओं से एक प्रश्र पुछा और कहा कि सभी बुर्जुग महिलाओं को अपने बोलते सुना होगा पुत्रवती भव:….. कोई पुत्रीवती भव: क्यों नही बोलता……आज हमें जरुरत है इन रुढिवादीताओं से आगे बढकर समाज को ये बताने की कि वंश चलाने के लिए मातृशक्ति चाहिए कोई बेटा अकेला अपना वंश नही चला सकता।
नीरज के पवन ने वहॉं बैठे सभी को हाल ही में एक धटना के बारे में बताया जिसमें आडे वक्त में बेटी ही काम आई आज उसे हम सब जानतें है वो है ‘सिमरन जिसने 65 प्रतिशत लीवर अपना अपने पिता को दिया है। जिससे कि उसके पिता आज जीवित है। उन्होंने कहा कि सब को इस प्रयास में आगें आना होगा तब ही हम अपनी बेटीयों को बचा सकेंगें,और आगे बढा सकेंगें। ‘देख नी हो जद हमारी देख लेना जिद हमारी से उन्होने अपनी बात समाप्त की। अन्त मे उन्होनें बच्चीयों को कन्या भ्रूण हत्या न करने और न करने देगें की शपथ दिलाई। वरिष्ट पत्रकार श्रीपाल शक्तावत ने कहा कि यदि हम स्वंय में विश्वास पैदा नही करेंगे तो जो धटना समाज में देखने और सुनने को मिल रही है। उस की जिम्मेदारी कहीं न कही हमारी स्वंय की है। इन धटनाओं के लिए हम किसी ओर को जिम्मेंदार नही ठहरा सकते।
उक्त अवसर पर निशा सिद्धु ने कहा कि हमारे समाज में भिखारी भी भीख के लिए यही आशीर्वाद देता है कि तेरा सुहाग जीता रहे,तेराभाई जीता रहे….. कोई भिखारी भी ये नही कहता सुना होगा कि तेरी माँ जिये तेरी बहन जियें……सिद्धु ने ‘वन स्टोप क्राईसेस पॉइट के बारे में बताया उन्होने कहा कि बेटी नही बचाओगे तो दुल्हन कहा से लाओगें।
संस्था कि कन्वीनर पूर्णिमा कौल के अनुसार उक्त अवसर पर अस्सिटेंट प्रोंफेसर, र्वजीनिया यूनिर्वसिटी यूएसए की मनीषा शर्मा ने कहा कि  इस तरह के प्रोगाम लडकों के साथ भी किये जाने चाहिये जिससे एक स्वस्थ समाज की परिकल्पना को पूरा किया जा सकें। महिला सशक्तिकरण बोलने से नही आएगा। उसके लिए जरुरी है। कि आप स्वयं आगे बढे ओर खुद से कुछ करने का संकल्प लें। कॉलेज के चैयरमेन आर एस तोमर व् कॉलेज प्राचार्या डॉ आबिदा प्रवीण ने संस्था के काम को सराहा और इस तरह के प्रोगाम की समाज मे आवश्यकता पर बल दिया। कार्यक्रम में श्री उम्मेद सिंह (पुलिस अधिकारी) भाई पंचशील जैन, उधोगपति व समाजसेवी रवि कामरा सहित कई गणमान्य बुद्विजीवी उपस्थिति थे।

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

MESSAGE The Rising Cup Championship 2014-15

MESSAGE Org. lunching Rising Cup Cricket Championship-2014-15.
The objective of MESSAGE who has a commitment to bring a positive change
in the society, to provide proper guidance and develop a leadership skills in youth through the various Sports activity. As an attempt continuation of third year MESSAGE is organizing a Cricket championship dated 28th of December2014 for the youth naming “ The Rising Cup” Championship.

Rising Cup Championship 2014-15 क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन  आज

मैसेज संस्थान, जयपुर की ओर से Rising Cup Championship 2014-15 क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन आज किया जा रहा है। प्रतियोगिता में 20 से  अधिक विभिन्न क्रिकेट क्लबों  की टीमे हिस्सा ले रही है। जिनमें राष्टीय अंतरराष्टीय स्तर के युवा खिलाडी भाग लेंगे
प्रतियोगिता  का शुभारम्भ एस जे पब्लिक स्कूल क्रिकेट  ग्राउंड जयपुर में प्रात: 10.3० बजे होगी प्रतियोगिता में नॉकऑउट के माध्यम से ग्रुप लीग मैच खेले जायेंगे ।
प्रतियोगिता के संयोजक महावीर शर्मा के अनुसार आज संस्थान ने प्रतियोगिता का शुभारम्भ खेलप्रेमी व युवा प्रतिभा को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए हमेशा तत्पर डाबरिया पोलिवुड के निदेशक दिगविजय सिंह डाबरिया ने विकेट पर हस्ताक्षर कर प्रतियोगिता के संयोजकों कों शुभकामनाएं दी व युवा प्रतिभाओं को आगें बढाने का अच्छा प्रयास बताया।
प्रतियोगिता के प्रथम दिन पहला मैच डांयमण्ड कल्ब और सेंचुरी कल्ब के मध्य खेला जायेगा व द्वितीय मैच यंग फ्रेंड्स व एसबीएन कल्बों के मध्य खेला जाएगा।

Rajiv Gandhi Club won the “Message Rising Cup Cricket Championship Trophy 2014-15″

Rajiv Gandhi Club won the “Message Rising Cup Cricket Championship Trophy 2014-15″
राजीवगांधी क्लब ने जीता  ‘मैसेज द राइजिंग कप क्रिकेट चैम्पियनशिप ट्राफी

Rising Cup Championship 2014-15 winner team (Rajiv Gandhi Club)
जयपुर, 6 दिसम्बर। मैसेज संस्था की ओर से आयोजित ‘दी राइजिंग कपÓ क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट के फाइनल मैच में राजीवगांधी क्लब ने जीत दर्ज कर ट्राफी पर अपना कब्जा जमाया।
खेल समन्वयक तरुण शर्मा ने बताया कि आज एस्रबीएन क्रिकेट गाउंड पर आयोजित फाइनल मैच अरावली क्लब और राजीवगांधी क्लब के मध्य खेला गया। पहले बल्लेबाजी करते हुए अरावली क्लब के विवेक यादव के 36 रन व दिलकांत के 27 रनो के सहयोग से 113 रनों का स्कोर खडा किया जिसका पिछा करते हुए राजीवगांधी क्लब के लालाराम की सधी हुई गेंदबाजी 13 रन पर 3 विकेट का योगदान व सिपी सिंह के ५३ नॉटआउट बल्लेबाजी से राजीवगांधी क्लब ने 8 विकेट से 14.4 ओवर में जीत दर्ज कर द राईजिंग कप पर कब्जा जमाया।

इस अवसर पर समापन समारोह में मैन ऑफ द मैच का अवार्ड लालाराम को, मेन ऑफ द राईजिंग कप सिरीज, विजय मीणा, व बेस्ट बॉलर का अवार्ड विवेक यादव को दिया गया। विजेता टीम को ‘दी राइजिंग कप ट्राफी और 11,000 रुपये का चैक प्रदान किया गया। अरावली क्लब को उपविजेता टीम के रूप में 4000 रू का चैक प्रदान किया गया।
मुख्य अतिथी के तौर पर पूर्व सचिव आरसीसी अनंत व्यास ने संस्था के प्रयासों की सराहना की व युवाओं को खेलों से जोडने व उनहे उपयुक्त प्लेटफॉर्म उपलब्ध कराने के दिशा में महत्वपूर्ण भुमिका निभाने पर बधाई दी ।
संस्था की कन्वीनर पूर्णीमा कौल ने बताया कि दी राइजिंग कप टूर्नामेंट के प्रति जयपुर के युवओं में खासा उत्साह रहा। टूर्नामेंट में 16 टीमों ने नॉक ऑउट आधार पर मैच खेले और बड़ी संख्या में रणजी और आईपीएल स्तर के खिलाडियों ने भी टूर्नामेंट में अपने खेल के जलवे बिखेरे। यह प्रतियोगिता क्रिकेट में जयपुर की प्रतिभाओं को सामने लाने में काफी हद तक कामयाब रही ।


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Please Save The Birds.. Let them fly in sky………….

Makar Sankranti is just a few days away and most kids and youngsters are super excited about it. But while you enjoy the kite flying, you should be aware of how this festival harms birds and sometimes animals. Just imagine what the deadly manja could do to a bird if it is capable of cutting your fingers each time.
MESSAGE Org run a awareness campaign in social media  endeavor to save birds. Through the “Save Birds Campaign” we aim to bring about not only a collective change in the mindset of citizens but also hope to save maximum birds.

Please Save The Birds………
Let them fly in sky………….
There are so many birds who die to the kite flying.
A lot of birds miss their mates. Some of them are
endangered and some are migratory, who have flown
across the seas hoping for a good life.
Please do not make your pleasure a cause for their death.
Let them fly in sky………….

What to do

1. When a bird hits the ground, do not catch it immediately. Give it some time to gain stability on its own while protecting it from cats and dogs
2. If a bird has not received serious cuts and is able to fly, let it go. Do not hold the birds too tightly.
3. Do not feed them water
4. If a bird is badly injured and seems to require first aid, then cover its eyes with a soft cloth, like a sock. This will prevent them from fluttering their wings
5. Put the injured bird in an empty bucket and cover it with cloth until help arrives
6. Do not fly kites between 7 am and 9 am as well as between 5 pm and 7 pm. These are the hours when there are maximum birds in the sky.
“In case anyone finds an injured bird they should not hold it with bare hands. First, they should drop a piece of cloth on the bird’s eye to prevent it from seeing so that it does not struggle and injure itself further,”. If possible, people should keep the bird in an empty shoe box before they call the helpline number.
World Sanstha: 9314465065
Ramnivas Garden: 9252560000
Jaipur Zoo: 9414041887, 9887024308
Adarsh Nagar: 9571595670
Mansarover: 9024899154
Sanganer: 8441058871
People for Animals Jaipur: 9950656801
Help N Suffering: 3245673 An injured bird can
be delivered at Sanganer Bird Hospital: 2575801

Thursday, January 1, 2015


नव वर्ष की शुभकामनाये

Another year of success and happiness has passed.With every new year, comes greater challenges and obstacles in life.We wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face.May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead,God bless you.Happy New Year 2015 !!!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Teaching Values, Morals and Life Skills for our next Gen Kids – Bharat mera Garva

The MESSAGE ORG. Run a campaign “Bharat Mera Garva” . The campaign BHARAT MERA GARV, reached almost 35 schools and colleges, with at least more then 60000 youth and kids, spreading the message of LOVE THY COUNTRY and proud to be a INDIAN. The campaign is becoming very popular amongst youth. Our motto is to propagate and enhance the feeling of love towards country, their moral duty, responsibility, which leads them to do every thing which is required for the betterment of the country. Yesterday, a day before GURU NANAK JAYANTY we celebrated and interacted the same with AGRASEN SNATKOTTAR SHIKSHA MAHA VIDYALAY KESHAV VIDYA PEETH, JAMDOLI. The Institute well known for its Strength of Knowledge, Strength of Wisdom. Strength of Skills. Strength of native culture.
They being the would be teachers foe our next Generation, it was really wonderful , conveying our message of loving your country, because each of them is going to come in close contact of atleast 500 students , this way our message reaches to lacs., that too in the remote areas of villages where we seldom reach. Our message was to be proud of being an INDIAN, and to do everything for it, don’t wait for government or any other agency to come forward for doing anything, if possible do it all yourself, coz. We are the little solders , of our front.
While concluding the session we had a vibrant interaction with the students where they had the opportunity to come on the stage and express their feelings and their ideas about how can they be a Part of development and improvements in the existing system.
On the occasion our special guest social worker Bhai Panchsheel Jain , convener MESSAGE Mrs. Purnima Koul address the event Principal Dr. Rajni Sharma gave thanks and Dr. Renu Sharma and Dr. Pooja beniwal emphesised on the need of more programmes like this.
Let’s We all come together and pledge to be responsible citizen and take this message to all country men. Let’s build a new India a country with prosperity, brotherhood, peace, justice and a clean way of life.

Event Gallery Link

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Celebrate Green Deepawali. Raising awareness about Save nature ...


Rangoli contest: Celebrate a Green, Pollution free, Environmentally Safe Diwali. So this year, why not “Go Green”?
message rangoliLet’s come together for save our Mother Earth. This Deepawali Gift a Plant to your dear ones. Avoid Crackers and Save Nature.Celebrate a Green, Pollution free, Environmentally Safe Deepawali.
Aiming at raising awareness about Save nature celebrate Green Deepawali. On the occasion of festival session of Deepawali MESSAGE Organization organize campaign with city wives groups Unique Towers Jagatpura Jaipur,  making rangoli competetation and spread awareness message “Say no to Crackers’ celebrate Green Deepawali.
Deep (light) avali (rows), a row of lights that taught us to vanquish ignorance that subdues humanity and to drive away darkness that engulfs the light of knowledge.
But Diwali today means…….. More ‘air, noise, light, land & social’ pollution due to use of lots of firecrackers. More patients for hospitals after the festival. Really bad news if there’s no wind and rain to lessen the effects of the smoke. Highly polluting nature of these firecrackers lead to a plethora of diseases………
This Diwali, let’s go green & celebrate a pollution free Diwali. Say No to firecrackers & yes to Happiness.
Let’s not forget our nature this Diwali, Celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali. This Diwali. Only Diyas, No fireworks.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Safe women symbol of safe society. Goddess Durga Lies In Every Woman. She Deserves the Respect.

Navratri, a combination of 2 words, ‘Nav’ meaning 9 and ‘Ratri’ night is a 9-day Indian festival wherein 9 avatars (incarnations) of Goddess Durga are worshipped. This festive session MESSAGE Organization run a campaign to spreed mass awareness Let’s Make Society SAFE for WOMEN.

The Power Of Goddess Durga Lies In Every Woman. She Deserves the Respect.

Navratri: Celebration of Woman Power

As per the Hindu traditions, Navratri is the symbol of good winning over evil. Ancient tales state that this festival marks the victory of the Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. Goddess Durga fought with Mahishasura for nine days and nine nights before winning over the demon on the tenth day.
In these nine days, Goddess Shakti is worshiped in her nine different forms for knowledge, richness, prosperity as well as auspiciousness. In all, we can state that Navratri is the celebration of woman power, which is what makes life possible on earth.

Are the women really safe and empowered?

It’s no less than an irony of sort that the Indian culture which gives utmost importance to the Goddess, fails to show tolerance and respect towards women in the society. Every year we celebrate the festival of Navratri singing praises to the mighty Goddess Durga. We offer prayers before the Goddess of wealth Lakshmi, praying for prosperity; we seek knowledge from Goddess Saraswati but when it comes to the women in our lives, we seldom show the needed gratitude.
Since ages we have been talking about empowerment and safety of women. However, these are just talks. As the ongoing crimes against women are proof that our mindset is still the same and this hypocrisy is here to stay. No matter in which part of the country we go, crime against women echoes from every corner. Despite the various laws made to protect the dignity of women, they are still playing weak victims in the hands of some immoral bunch of people.

Crime Against Women: How is responsible! What’s about Community?

We have numerous cases where a woman has been subjected to this dreadful crime. Gang rape of the paramedical student that took place on the disastrous night of December 16, 2012. 5 year old gang rape victim, brutality against minor, calender of crime against women, child sexual harassment india, crime against women, Devi, domestic violence, dowry, gandhinagar, gang rape, goa, justice for women, minor assaulted, minor rape, molestation, monk gang-rape, senior woman raped, sexual harassment, women harassment all over india , women rights….etc


Let’s Come together change is possible provided we all make a cumulative effort for the same. Enlighten our minds and heart with purity of thoughts. We must make an effort to spread awareness about women rights and equality. Safe women symbol of safe society. Every change begins with us, and if we aim at protecting the women around us then no one can dare to harm their sanctity. We don’t need arms or ammunition to fight out these perverts. Raising your voice is enough to scare them away.


MESSAGE org. reached the celebration place of Durga Pooja and Navratra Pandal to interact with community. Convener purniima ,while addressing the community said that if we really want to worship thee Goddess, we have to respect our daughters, sisters, mothers and wife at home, without which it is not possible to please God or Goddess.
Purnima koul requested people on behalf of Message Org. to please respect girls and give them a free environment, where they can moove safely. She said let the girls fly high in the sky to fulfil their dreams of serving the nation equally.
The real Pooja will be performed only when we give them safety and free world.

Don’t just be a mute spectator to the injustice happening to a woman around. One voice can bring in many voices together. And once we use the power of standing united against the evil, it will have to perish.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Shorya Diwas :Tribute to Kargil War Heroes

Honour of the Kargil War’s Heroes MESSAGE Organize a event Shorya Diwas :Tribute to Kargil War Heroes on 26th july 2014. This was a gesture to pay our homage to the  soldiers who sacrificed their lives at kargil and ultimately gave us the gift of victory.
This is a tribute to them ,we all the Indians can never ever forget the  real sacrifice which their family members do, they fight a war with their own selves, every moment.
In morning session  we had taken a real hero to the Seedling Public school,to interact with children. This real hero was none other than  Mahavir Chakra wartime gallantry award winner Hawaldar Digantra Singh deliver oath BHARAT MERA GARVA at seedling school, occasion Kargil Vijay Divas event.
Shri Digantra Singh talked to children in such a way as they were seeing the war itself. Inspite of having 5bullets on chest, the brave soldier is alive and killed many many of them. Social worker Panchsheel jain and  convener MESSAGE purnima koul asked children to Love the country and in the end one oath was taken by children that they will never do wrong nither let others do it.
Evening session was very vibrant, hundreds of youth in gracious presence of Maj. General Sunil Malhotra,  Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore (Olympian , Member of Parliament) occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas lit a candle and march candle light rally to tribute to our REAL HEREOS…. at Amar Jawan Jyoti , Jaipur. Event organize by MESSAGE Org. and supported by Rotary royal Jaipur.


Monday, June 16, 2014

An appeal from Honorable society – Disability Awareness Day

An appeal from honorable society to come forward in support of differently able people so that they can also lead respectable life and become self confident.
The objective of MESSAGE who has a commitment to bring a positive change in the society, organizing this noble event with An appeal from MESSAGE organization associated with Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (RCCI) to honorable society to come forward in support of differently able people so that they can also lead respectable life and become self confident. Disabled do not want Mercy but the Respect and they do not want any Favours but Encouragement. It is our responsibility to respect and encourage them. As an attempt MESSAGE is organizing a Disability Awareness day (DAD) dated 15th of july 2014 . The event will forward strong messages. This would not only be a “talk of the town” but also generate sense of responsibility within the users and understand their duty towards the Society.

Celebrate Disability Awareness Day

Message Org,  organized a event on the occasion of Disability Awareness Day on Tuesday at Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce. Secretary of Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce Mr. KL Jain laid emphasis on involving industrialists in the campaign of giving a helping hand to disabled people. He said, “Disabled people do not want mercy but respect, and they do not want any favours but encouragement.” Additional director of information and public relation department Mr. Gopal Sharma recited his poems to spread awareness about the issues of physically challenged people. President Rotary Royal Jaipur  Mr. Rakesh Gupta focus on the object of DAD and said it’s our moral duty to support them .The event joint venture with Rajasthan Chamber of commerce and Industries and supported by Rotary Royal Jaipur.
Convener of Message, Mrs.Purnima Kaul,  Additional director of Social Justice and Empowerment  Goverment of Rajasthan Mr. Rajeev Bajed,   Industrialist Mr Ravi Kamra, former president rotary royal jaipur Mr.JS Chawla, Avanish Malik (socialist) (Navdisha Sansthan, Alwar ) Vice president CA Institution jaipur chapter Mr. Abhishek Sharma  and Mr.Vishnu Gurnani (industrialist) were present on the occasion. It was an initiative taken by Message to spread awareness among society to come forward in support of differently abled people.

DAD Event Gallery Link

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

An effort to Save Nature with our future generation.......

An effort to Save Nature with our future generation…….
Awareness event on the occasion of “World Environment Day”
MESSAGE Org. celebrate “World Environment Day” at Jwahar Kala Kendra (Art Center) Jaipur. Rajasthan. India. More then 200 kids are participate in the event. The object of event sensitize children with an aim to create awareness towards our “Mother Nature” .
MESSAGE Org. 5th of June celebrate World environment day at Jawahar Kala Kendra, (Art Center) Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur. Rajasthan .India

Event pics


Friday, March 7, 2014

Symposium ‘REFLECTION’(Awaken Women) -MESSAGE Org.

MESSAGE Institution organised a symposium REFLECTION­ AWAKEN WOMEN, at women’s polytechnic college on 7th march. Chair person of National commission women .Ms. Mamata Sharma, adressed the girls and inspired them to be bold andz independent in every field. she quoted Gandhiji’s statement emphasising on the need of N.G.Os or Beauracracy will rule, she also admired and congratulated MESSAGE Organization for itsinitiative toward sensetising and awakening people for their own rights. Social worker Dr. Beena Agrawal , Mamata Jetley, principal Anita Vaidhya, Dr Bhawana Sharma (Neurologist), Social worker Pancheel Jain, Advocate Ambika Soni and Sunita Vashistha drew attention of the students towards their legal rights and asked girls to fight against voilence and hrrasment at work place. Senior journalist satyamev jayate aamir khan fame Shripal Shaktawat furnished girls with many informations regarding gender violence,prevention and causes. He aiso shared some cases of kanya bhrun hatya and his experiences during news sting campaign. purnima koul­ convener Message,asked girls to make a promise to their own self not to marry a boy atall, who asks for dowrey,cause that is the root cause behind Kanya hatya. the programme was concluded with a vibrent discussion between college girls and DG.Rohit Mahajan IPS. and Police officer Maruti Joshi. Girls rased many questions and queries regarding their safty. some HELP LINE nos. were been given to them.

Media Gallery

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Symposium ‘REFLECTION’(Awaken Women)

MESSAGE Institution  organize  a symposium ‘REFLECTION’ (Awaken Women)  show scheduled to be held on 7th of March 2014 at 11.30 Women Polytechnic College. Gandhi nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan INDIA.  On participation of young  women at large  with an aim to create awareness towards their legal rights .On the occasion of International women day .